DFG Scientific Networks: Cognitive Communication Disorders in people with Traumatic Brain Injury

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Meeting III

23.11.2022 – 24.11.2022

The first presence meeting takes places at the 23th & 24th of November 2022 in Munich (German Flyer, PDF, 1500 KB). 

We are very pleased to welcome two guest speakers to our November network-meeting.

On the 23th of November Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmid (LMU) talks about "Gegenseitiges Verstehen aus Sicht einer gebrauchsbasierten soziokognitiven Sprachtheorie" (PDF, 47 KB).

On the 24th of November Prof. Dr. Sonja Zeman (Univ. Augsburg) tells us something about "Narration? Kognition? Perspektive. Linguistische Modelle des Erzählens" (PDF, 60 KB).

Participation in the lectures is possible via Zoom. The Zoom link will be shared with network members and guests via email.